MINIWARE Product 3D Accessory Creation Show Is Here! MINIWARE产品3D配件创作秀来啦!
智在小巧,乐在创造。自创立以来,MINIWARE始终坚持创新路线。 Since its establishment, MINIWARE has consistently pursued an innovative path. 我们不仅注重产品创新,更希望MINIWARE的产品能在工作台上为电子工程师和爱好者们带来更多新的可能性。 We not only focus on product innovation but also hope that MINIWARE products can bring new possibilities to electronic engineers and enthusiasts at their workbenches. 展望即将举行的“MINIWARE产品3D配件创作秀”活动,我们将打破产品类型限制,邀请您一起玩转3D打印,激发无限创意。 As we look forward to the upcoming “MINIWARE Product 3D Accessory Creation Show,” we will break the limitations of product types and invite you to explore 3D printing together, igniting limitless creativity. 本次活动由MINIWARE官方举办,面向广大电子工程师、电子产品爱好者以及3D打印和DIY爱好者,征集以MINIWARE产品为灵感设计的3D打印模型。 This event is hosted by MINIWARE and is aimed at electronic engineers, electronic product enthusiasts, as well as 3D printing and DIY enthusiasts, inviting submissions for 3D printing models inspired by MINIWARE products.
本次活动以线上参与的方式进行。具体参与方式如下图 This event is conducted online. The specific process is as follows:
获奖结果公布后,MINIWARE官方将打印获奖者的模型作品,并制作成视频“MINIWARE产品 3D配件创作秀”,充分展现你的创意。 Once the results are announced, MINIWARE will print the winning models and create a video titled “MINIWARE Product 3D Accessory Creation Show” to fully showcase your creativity.
让我们一起玩出新花样,玩出创意新边界。快来加入我们的“MINIWARE产品3D配件创作秀”征集活动,分享你的创新设计,赢取丰厚奖励! Let’s play with new styles and push the boundaries of creativity together! Join our “MINIWARE 3D Accessories Creation Show” and share your innovative designs for a chance to win amazing rewards!
2025/1/3 【获奖结果】 “MINIWARE产品3D配件创作秀”活动是由MINIWARE官方举办,面向拥有MINIWARE品牌产品的3D打印爱好者、电子工程师、电子产品爱好者,征集以MINIWARE产品为灵感设计的3D打印模型的创意秀活动。
The "MINIWARE Products 3D Accessories Creation Showcase" event is organized by MINIWARE Official. It is aimed at 3D printing enthusiasts, electronic engineers, and electronics hobbyists who own MINIWARE brand products. The contest invites submissions of creatively designed 3D-printed models inspired by MINIWARE products.
在过去两个月的作品征集活动中,我们共收到来自中国国内外14位朋友的15件作品投稿。 Over the past two months, we received a total of 15 entries from 14 friends both within and outside of China.
经过内部层层筛选和激烈讨论,我们最终评选出了获奖作品。 After rigorous internal screening and intense discussions, we have finally selected the winning entries.
一等奖 First Prize
获奖者Winner:shen lan 下载:download
二等奖 Second Prize
获奖者Winner:Alberto Delvai 下载:download
获奖者Winner:Renzo 下载:download
三等奖 Third Prize
获奖者Winner:Stefan Kowarik 下载:download
获奖者Winner:Kim Onofaro 下载:download
获奖者Winner:edison_science_corner 下载:download
以上获奖者的作品模型我们会上传至MINIWARE官方网站和官方论坛,我们承诺尊重并保护获奖者的作品,所有作品都将署名发布,并仅供学习交流使用,不用于商业盈利。 We will upload the winning entries to the MINIWARE official website and forum. We promise to respect and protect the authors' works, ensuring that all submissions are credited with the creators' names and are used solely for learning and exchange purposes, not for commercial gain.
智在小巧,乐在创造。巴掌大小的电子工具,蕴藏着无限的创意与可能。这正是MINIWARE通过此次“3D配件创作秀”活动,想要与大家分享理念。 At MINIWARE, we believe in the power of small yet smart tools that inspire endless creativity and possibilities. This is precisely the philosophy we aimed to share through our ""MINIWARE Products 3D Accessories Creation Showcase" event.
在此也衷心感谢每一位关注和参与本次活动的朋友,期待你们用MINIWARE的产品,释放更多的创意,玩出属于自己的精彩。 We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who followed and participated in this event. We look forward to seeing more of your creative ideas come to life using MINIWARE products, and we encourage you to continue exploring and creating your own unique experiences.