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公告: MiniWare产品交流QQ群:131363234 技术支持请点击见详情 minidso 2012-11-23    
[Troubleshooting] flashed wrong firmware discip 2024-10-24 1228 minidso 2024-10-24 09:35
[Troubleshooting] ES15 OLED no display 新人帖 shimeng 2024-9-3 1319 minidso 2024-9-4 09:14
[Troubleshooting] Device spins the wrong way. 新人帖 smeird 2024-6-30 1441 minidso 2024-7-1 09:33
[Troubleshooting] defect and no DFU after failed firmware update 新人帖 leif 2024-5-5 1658 minidso 2024-5-6 09:13
[Troubleshooting] dead, zero resistance on usb port 新人帖 cherepusick 2023-7-31 1999 minidso 2023-7-31 09:22
[Troubleshooting] trouble 新人帖 Tom 2023-6-28 11356 minidso 2023-6-29 09:19
[Troubleshooting] ES15 Impact Function Bug 新人帖 PJPOO 2023-1-6 72109 minidso 2023-5-4 09:15
[Troubleshooting] ES120 not charging. 新人帖 SleptOvers 2023-2-26 31796 minidso 2023-2-27 09:07
[Troubleshooting] [ES15] Led light on the screwdriver not working anymore 新人帖 wasyl00 2022-11-5 21970 minidso 2022-11-7 10:19
[Troubleshooting] What should be the clearance of the bit 新人帖 Yuri 2022-10-20 12495 minidso 2022-10-21 09:19
[Troubleshooting] ES 15 standby mode 新人帖 Gubber22 2022-8-24 13016 minidso 2022-8-24 09:10
[Troubleshooting] ES121 constantly showing charging roops67 2022-4-25 22563 roops67 2022-4-26 00:18
[Troubleshooting] Is it possible to lock the buttons on ES15? 新人帖 Burhan 2022-4-7 13180 minidso 2022-4-8 09:23
[Troubleshooting] ES15掉电厉害正常吗 新人帖 jackyX3471 2022-3-28 12650 minidso 2022-3-29 09:11
[Troubleshooting] ES120 Rapid Battery Drain 新人帖 flig238923 2022-3-2 12503 minidso 2022-3-3 09:09
[Troubleshooting] ES15的扭矩功能问题!!! 新人帖 Blauskink 2021-12-22 12823 minidso 2021-12-22 09:53
[Troubleshooting] ES121: Battery Dead CYL5 Heating bhubesh25 2021-9-3 13624 minidso 2021-9-6 09:23
[Troubleshooting] ES120 completely dead. 新人帖 SleptOver 2021-3-27 13712 minidso 2021-3-29 09:39
[Troubleshooting] ES120 Suddenly stopped working 新人帖 sleebus.jones 2020-12-29 14884 广州市晨熹贸易 2020-12-29 10:19
[Troubleshooting] ES121 Stopped working 新人帖 maxximum 2020-2-21 16982 广州市晨熹贸易 2020-6-10 11:22
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