Thank you for improving the Reflow feature in V2.01. The profile parameters can now be set and followed correctly.
I see two remaining issues with it. One is that the range of permitted values don't match between the UI and the comments in CONFIG.TXT for some of the parameters:
RiseTemp 80-170C (allowed in the UI) 100-170C (CONFIG.TXT) (mismatch)
RiseTime 60-300s (allowed in the UI) 60-90s (CONFIG.TXT) (mismatch)
KeepTemp 110-170C (allowed in the UI) 110-170C (CONFIG.TXT)
KeepTime 60-300s (allowed in the UI) 60-120s (CONFIG.TXT) (mismatch)
WeldTemp 150-260C (allowed in the UI) 150-260C (CONFIG.TXT)
WeldTime 60-300s (allowed in the UI) 30-180s (CONFIG.TXT) (mismatch)
The other issue is the mininum value of WeldTime: 60s is too high for most reflow profiles. The solder paste I use recommends 60s max above 180C with peak at 210-230C. This is not possible if WeldTime (which is time at peak temperature) is at least 60s. Can you please lower the minimum allowed WeldTime value? As low as 15s, or even 0s can be useful.
Thank you for your help.