[i = s] posts by SpaceGoat in 2018-3-30 10:37 Edit
[i = s] posts by SpaceGoat in 2018-3-30 10:36 Edit
I'm having trouble with the corrupted filesystem on my DS203 Hardware version 2.72.
After having trouble with the Gabonator firmware's incompatibility with the BIOS and extensive filesystem corruption, I reset the firmware to the factory default (via serial programming). I then formatted the 8MB disc to a new FAT12 single volume partition loaded with whatever template files I recovered.
The trouble is that my DS203 appears to write calibration or preferences data to absolute volume addresses such as 0x009000 (cluster 4) that seem out of place in regard to where the actual file cluster chains ended up.
I wrote a Python script to analyse the corrupted, mostly clean and progressively corrupting filesystem images from my DS203. (https://pastebin.com/rLJf6S2E)
So far I have determined the proper arrangement is:
{Ser-No}.PAR at Cluster 0x002 (0x007000), 512 bytes
{Ser-No}.BAK at Cluster 0x003 (0x008000), 512 bytes
CALIB.DAT at Cluster 0x004 (0x009000), 512 bytes
but FILE001.DAT also claims Cluster 0x004 !
Could someone please give me a list of the files the DS203 HW V2.72 expects to find and at which spans of data clusters each of those files are to occupy?
Either that or a reference image of a factory-fresh or valid DS203 2.72 disc image will do. I could then run lookfat.py over that to find the proper cluster chains.