Overall, I'm very pleased with my new miniDSO. I hope this will be a handy alternative to my full size DSO when I travel.
I do have a couple questions:
- I updated firmware to 1.32. I tried following instructions but they didn't say anything about a PART A and a PART B. I assume I copy PART A...power cycle the unit. Then I do the exact same thing with PART B and cycle power. The user manual just said to copy the hex file and when it's RDY you are done. It didn't say anything about PART B.
- What does System Setting - MenuCycle do?
- What does System Setting - ItemCycle do?
- I did find the description in the user manual for PostSlide and it works, but it's a confusing feature because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I can't tell if it only works when menu1 is showing, or when no menus are showing, or just randomly sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.
- The menu "Save Param...Save 00.BMP...Save 00.DAT...Save 00.BUF...Save 00.CXV...Load 00.DAT...Load 00.BUF"
What the heck is going on????? When I'm trying to navigate and adjust parameters, open, close menu that "Save Param" menu keeps coming up, It seems like every 4th or 5th time I push the button that menu appears, then it goes away. Sometimes it seems to be saving Params...It comes, it goes, it is VERY CONFUSING! Please help me understand...when does this menu appear...how do I make it go away?
I think I understand how to navigate, except for that strange popup menu. It is very annoying and I can not figure out when or why it pops up.
- When menus are hidden.
UP DN= CH A voltage up/down....got it
<- -> = time up/down....got it
(isn't there a way for me to change CH B voltage?)
Overall, I rate this a very neat product. I've only been using it a few hours now and I already like it a lot. However, the menu navigation is still very strange and it is not intuitive and I feel needs a little work. I suggest you get rid of that popup menu and just add a Menu4 instead so it's not as confusing.
pacvis |